
Fall knocks on the door

at brink of a change

a time for plenty

for we ripe what we sow

The earth will hibernate

for it's time to holiday

rechange renew review 

new beginning around the bend 

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Strange, as i stare at these whites
the whites that lights the room

i see glimpse of a life
a life that has passed me by

and where do we go
nowhere fast for sure

Can i go day to day
knowing that it cannot be

and now that i know
know there's no second time

i should hold gratitude
for being given a chance

we come together
so let's make amend

a finger snap and
it could be lost just like that

do i take for granted
a life full of possibilities

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Weary love

 Love does run it's course

around bends and turns

there are time when it ebbs so low

if  i can see an end

but there's a voice 

loud and it screams

hold on to it

the tattered thread

becoming stranded each day

i turn cold and numb

to all emotion 

as music dies in me 

or i've killed it 

a slow unbecoming death

i open myself to a higher calling

or that's what i say

a consolation prize

i fall from grace

a love degrade

i bid good bye 

each day

to a weary love 

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