world of books

some of the books i read during these couple of months. Thanks to all the holidays this September

Buddha, A story of enlightenment - Deepak Chopra

Most stories of Buddha I've read is full of metaphor, almost fairy tale like and it makes you think that Gautama the prince was destined for such a faith. However, this story of Buddha is very much grounded and it feels
real and relatable. This book tells a story of a young man confronted by doubts and demon and his journey and struggle to achieve that ultimate freedom.
There are so many version of Buddha's path to enlightenment. I’ve read few of them. This is very much relevant and relatable to this generation because we are blind to miracle and we scoff at fairy tales. Despite the different versions out there, there is no denying that the story of Buddha inspires understanding of the true nature of life and ourselves.

Philosophy of life and death - M.V. Kamath

An interesting book if you want to know in brief the general philosophy on death around the world under different cultures and religions. The author also accounts on many death experience, you may know most of these authors, actors, poet, humanist, dictators or writers. This i thought was quite interesting. Despite the many experiences shared, i felt the book was more focused more on dying and had nothing much on living. It's an interesting book but it does not go indepth into anything if you are interested in details.

As Time Goes by - Ashok Sawhny

If you love poetry like i do, you will enjoy this book. I love the simplicity of Sawhny's work. The flow of his poem is like a good song, it flows up and down in a smooth rhythm. It's an easy read. Some of his poems are very humorous (like the one about modern art and Picasso). In general i though all the poems here were really good and relaxing.

Glimpse After Glimpse - Sogyal Rinpoche

These are daily insight by SR. Each entry was filled with deep and meaningful messages on life, living, dying, meditational practices, phowa and others. It also contains wisdom messages from a lot of learned masters such as Nysoel Khen Rinpochhe , Einstein and others. However, it’s a very heavy book (heavy in sense of things to absorb and practice). It only made me think, to comprehend is easy but to act on these words is very difficult.

From the murk of Sultry Abyss - B.Boyd

This is Boyd’s second book after ‘White fluffy Clouds’. This book like the prior one contains Boyd’s art work, photography, journal entries and other writings. If I write a book, I probably would want it to be something like this, a combination of photography, free verse and some random thoughts. Daniel thought I was crazy for buying this book because there wasn’t much of writing in it and it was quite expensive.
Not a book for just anybody useless you are a huge Boyd fan and you would buy anything related to the band Incubus. Boyd’s art and photographs I thought was quite good and you can sense his passion in it. However, i did not get much from his writing, it was bit too exaggerated and self-indulgent. He uses too much metaphors and I did not understand if they were there for humor of it or plain sarcasm. Like i said, not a book for you unless you are a Boyd fan.

Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom

An inspiring book on love, compassion, happiness, openness, acceptance, inclusion, values and human relationship. There's so much to learn from this book. But then again, it can also feel preachy like many spiritual fiction books do. 

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