Be aware

Be aware,
Just be,
Peace lies there,
Do it and see.

Jealousy and envy,
shades of madness,
Both within you,
And so is happiness.

The mind stays best,
Absorbed in the moment,
No flitting thoughts,
The acid test.

The tea in your cup,
Is aroma not storm,
Inhale the beauty,
Admire the form.

Sleep when you sleep,
The slumber of the just,
A promise you need to keep,
And that you must.

Let the day go by,
Neither fast nor slow,
Let time fly,
Just go with the flow.

One thing at a time ,
Is a cliche well-worn,
Stay in the present,
Your tranquility unshorn

picture: taken last weekend
poem by Ashok Sawhny

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Lingchen Dorji said...

A cool poem on mindfulness, of being here and now in the present moment. A good reminder for all of us in this age when everything moves fast.

jaw crusher said...

it is a beautiful poem

misScorpion said...

a wonderful poem and nice picture...

David | TestKing said...

This is a fantastic well written article. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem, keep up the good work.

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