A Change

I’ve made my decision—

to finally take the leap.

I thought fear would grip me,

or was I overthinking? I always do. 

But now that the moment is here,

it feels strangely calm,

unexpectedly underwhelming. 

A box of knickknacks,

a folder of old files—

the only things I take

as I leave this space behind.

I’ve always hated goodbyes,

and today grants my wish—

no farewells, no parting words,

just an ordinary day.

I give my thanks to this space,

for all it has given me.

I give my thanks to the past

for it has been good to me.

I step forward—

a prayer, a wish

for brighter days ahead.

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Point of life

The point of life 

One may wonder

but then I've come to ponder

That, there is none.

But that's ok

And it sure is grand

There's no need to go down 

that long windy rabbit hole

To find the truth, for there's only one

Life, it's simple and kind

It's short and long

A tourist, you are one

Your body, a vehicle

New sights insights unfold everytime 

New layers adds each day

What's next? We can't say.

Do love yourself and

While you're at it

Love those who come your way.

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silent stillness

These moments of pause

These moments of silent stillness

come scanty, not in plenty

I'm meant to move about

If I've taken a step

the climb does not end there

evolve and grow I must, each day

Giving in to expectation

which are not my own

It doesn't get easy

just because I've pleased you today.


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Fall knocks on the door

at brink of a change

a time for plenty

for we ripe what we sow

The earth will hibernate

for it's time to holiday

rechange renew review 

new beginning around the bend 

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Strange, as i stare at these whites
the whites that lights the room

i see glimpse of a life
a life that has passed me by

and where do we go
nowhere fast for sure

Can i go day to day
knowing that it cannot be

and now that i know
know there's no second time

i should hold gratitude
for being given a chance

we come together
so let's make amend

a finger snap and
it could be lost just like that

do i take for granted
a life full of possibilities

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Weary love

 Love does run it's course

around bends and turns

there are time when it ebbs so low

if  i can see an end

but there's a voice 

loud and it screams

hold on to it

the tattered thread

becoming stranded each day

i turn cold and numb

to all emotion 

as music dies in me 

or i've killed it 

a slow unbecoming death

i open myself to a higher calling

or that's what i say

a consolation prize

i fall from grace

a love degrade

i bid good bye 

each day

to a weary love 

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Comforter, my mind

a contemplator

breaking down 

hurt, pain and grief

At the end...

there is cure

to all ailment

not of body

to all anger 

thrown my way

a heart full of kindness

a heart full of love

has no reason 

to despair

there's a comforter

cool and mellow 

in my mind

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Blank spaces

These blank spaces
These silent seconds
These periods of pause
These periods of stillness

That's when a voice is heard
not something I want to heed
She comes around aloud 
harbinger of questions and fears

Life does seem long
Life does seem weary
When you count the stillness
When you live in blank spaces

Always awaiting
Always looking around the corner
for bends and becoming
to never be still 

A drifter drifting 
not in the silent stillness
choosing chaos unbecoming 
never in these blank spaces.

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Beat and bruised,

tanned under the sun
weathered as the season alter
starting a process backwards
going back to the earth once again
ashes and dust, blown to the zephyr.
What was then a mold
now a part of nothingness
it’s not something new and deifying
but always there in a view
there it stands,

Provoking, demanding

a change in me
asking me to take a detour
but I won’t budge or be moved
stoned and stiff like a mountain.
Please make a mend
a quarter of life spent
Snap! You feel you're born again
you didn’t realize it then
and it’s too early to begin
back to the circle; clipped and chained
you’ll give yourself another day
to finally comprehend
your body is no longer a friend.

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When alone

Dance like crazy
or slouch lazy.
Watch an Austen movie
while eating a buffet.
dare to walk bare
Do a thorough cleaning
before letting myself relax
do a makeover
paint these walls yellow
DIY a cushion cover
wishing magic
fun gone too soon
bored and restless
while I sit still.

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Hawaii, that's where I wanna be
Hawaii, ocean sparkling diamond
Hawaii, endless blue canopy

Let my woes perish in air
Let my toes dig in bare
Chimes of blissful Hawaii
Hawaii, that's where i wanna be. 

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Sleep won't come easy
A hurt heart
Displaced apart
Clock ticks away
one two three...
fear takes  flight
I say a prayer
Forgiveness I'll give
A hope anew
Breath in and out
A trick that won't do
my stomach cringe
my arms tight
Restless within
Wide awake in dark
Sounds of rain outside
Shake this world asunder
A familiar beat
Putting all to rest
But I stay awake
sleep won't come
not so easy now. 

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love lost

We met
our world collide
I wrote you a song
And years have passed
love ran its course.

Like alteration of all things
we didn't even blink twice
we let this happen
things don't last, alas!
Relationships falter and fail.

Will we be one of those?
it seems likely as days add.
We don't get along
becoming unkind and cruel
to one another.

Put on an act of what we're not
one of those gloomy days come
they add in numbers each day
things that hold us may pass us
what then of us?

Will we work things out?
We may drift apart
to be one of those sad stories
nothing last forever
it seems true for love as well.

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All things on hold
but then life goes on. 

Trying hard to progress 
when we should be still instead.

Benchmarks we set
on our lives.

Measurements we impose
onto ourselves.

We feel less
if we don't move on.

life and living 
made thus complicated.

Can't we just go slow 
retrace for a while now. 

Be calm, don't alam
life sure seems more.

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is a sure friend
a friend in need
a friend indeed

Be detached
not only to things
or your possession
is sure to possess

Be detached
from ideas and form
After all it alters
never to stay the same.

Don't put yourself in mold
or labels label you
learn  and unlearn
Let go, never falter.

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I’m all nerves
Pondering over what 
what is yet to be
I’m speculating
paying scenarios in my mind
I’ve lost control
Control over me.

This and that
Here and there
Things that could be
But I’m no fortune teller
And I know not any 
any, who could be. 
So I continue
Continue to wonder
This spell 
Spell that I'm under
Is no good, no good for me.

It may go well
It may go bad
But I have no answer
My tongue could work magic
Or it could fail as I fear
but it's all my mind
haywire once again.

So I tell myself
if it comes, it comes
if it goes, it goes 
and there's no way
no way to be sure
and no way to prepare
But for now, I pray
for an easier day.

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Snow Fall

White flakes of soft cotton balls
falling, but taking its time

Sublime, swaying on its way
Defining the cold winter night.

An artist’s wait is over 
dusted canvas out again 
Here comes colour
Splatter and splash.

A player of words she is
gather spells on blank sheets
her pen, a secret arsenal
ageless like a symphony.

The white flakes continue to fall
a white blanket hover the dusted town
million activities on halt again
staying warm within the walls.

Swing in triumph, howl in air
Countless words will fall in verse
ready to be sung
through the cold winter night.

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A mountain
I’ve become one
or I’ve made one of me
I lack motion
I could burst into flame.

At a crossroad
I’ve come
it was inevitable, it was only time
I look left and right
ponder over paths before me.

A dormant dream
Waking up from long slumber
each cell packed with energy
Jab my arms in the air
Thump my feet into the ground.

Fly high into an open space
dive deeper underground
sway to the breeze
rise, rise from deep slumber
burn, burn into red fire
move, groove from stillness.

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New things won’t register
my head and heart sealed 
I live in nostalgia these days
I’ve traveled back in time.

Things don't seem to make sense
I’ve stopped making sense of them
I live in nostalgia these days
I'm a time traveler to the past.

I play songs from yesterday
it’s automatic and strangely new  
I live in nostalgia these days 
grooving and moving to something familiar.

Playing in old neighborhoods
I’ve become a child
I live in nostalgia these days
I’ve lost sense of time.

Skipping space and logic
I'm distorted and misplaced
I live in nostalgia these days
I'll come back someday.

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