Point of life

The point of life 

One may wonder

but then I've come to ponder

That, there is none.

But that's ok

And it sure is grand

There's no need to go down 

that long windy rabbit hole

To find the truth, for there's only one

Life, it's simple and kind

It's short and long

A tourist, you are one

Your body, a vehicle

New sights insights unfold everytime 

New layers adds each day

What's next? We can't say.

Do love yourself and

While you're at it

Love those who come your way.

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silent stillness

These moments of pause

These moments of silent stillness

come scanty, not in plenty

I'm meant to move about

If I've taken a step

the climb does not end there

evolve and grow I must, each day

Giving in to expectation

which are not my own

It doesn't get easy

just because I've pleased you today.


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