
Memories of what's done 
comes sporadic and own its own
I cringe at things with no form.
while I say, ‘it is all in past’
I have dragged them here
like a burden 
I’ve carried it with me.
Things could've been done better
I speculate so otherwise.
How vain and frugal am I
layers of life that I have lived
I let them go
I let them flow.

There are things piled up for tomorrow
Suddenly a new thought rush onto the head
I say I will remember
to write it down before I forget.
A voice then tells me
Leave tomorrow for tomorrow.

Thoughts rush on to the head
like non-stop beating of my heart
while I breath in and out.
Despite the turmoil in my head
how peaceful can this feeling get
just to be in now
to feel the air, flow in and out
I feel a greater acknowledgement
to simple thing that’s called 'a life'.

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