
Blue and green palette
surrounds this beautiful canvased city
Hollowed between
the splendid mountain
jutted up to the blue skies
pushing from the ground
raising up in the sky
as if wanting to fly
and to defy gravity.
The horizon that are bare
The horizon that goes straight
don’t you wish to be there?
Teleported through an Anywhere Door
running free and wild
while looking at the city.
The wind could be a tyrant
the air could be biting  
but that will matter not.
You’ll dress warm for the occasion
You’ll be prepared
when dreams do come true.
Running in giant big leaps
Spinning around and round
screaming up to the sky
Screaming down to the city.
You’ll do the tribal dance
say ‘hola hola hola’
and ‘yoee yoee yooo’
I’ll need arms longer 
Bigger than the ones I have
to wrap these mountains in my breast
to give it one giant big hug.
As you wake from your reverie
raise your glance up
to the mountains in the sky
and begin to wonder
if the mountains are moving,
or if it's the clouds drifting by.

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